If you’ve gotten behind on your mortgage payments and have received a foreclosure notice, you might be expecting the worst. Don’t start packing your bags just yet! There are options available to you that may help you save your credit, and maybe even your home. Short Sale A short sale is when a mortgage holder […]
5 Reasons Why an Open House Might Not Work for You
Open houses are just a part of selling a home. At least they used to be. With the growth of the internet and all of the options it provides to show your home, the hassles of an open house may be a thing of the past. We’ve put together a list of 5 reasons why […]
The Ultimate Guide to Texas Probate: How to Sell a Probate House in Texas in 2021
Do you need to sell an inherited home in Texas? Every day in Texas, families are faced with the difficult decisions that come with the loss of a loved one. Among the most challenging and time-consuming is navigating the murky waters of probate, when the departed family member has left behind a home that they […]
Is it Worth it to Repair Your DFW Home?
If you’re looking to sell your house in Dallas-Fort Worth, it can be a good idea to make small repairs before listing it, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes those repairs can get costly, or take time that you just don’t have. It can be helpful to know when repairs are appropriate, and when […]
5 Tips for Selling Your Rockwall, TX Home Fast
Rockwall is in a perfect position to take full advantage of the growth in north Texas. It’s just 20 minutes from downtown Dallas and right on Lake Ray Hubbard. If you’re about to move, or have inherited a property and need to sell it, we’ve got 5 tips for selling your Rockwall, TX property fast. […]